Leftover breakfast

Leftover breakfast

I think there are very few things that you can’t pop in a frying pan and once warm crack a few eggs in. The perfect hangover breakfast. Sometimes I actually cook more than what I know we will eat for dinner just so I can cook it up for breakfast the morning after. Plus it takes zeeeero time. I made this eggy plate with leftover hasselback potatoes, onions and fermented chilli sauce.


  • Whatever really, as long as you can reheat it. If not - try anyway.


  • Fry up your ‘whatever’ ingredients and crack a couple of eggs, let the whites set but keep the yolks runny and lovely. Take of the heat and add some more ‘whatever’ stuff like herbs, cheese, chilli sauce, zaatar mix, creme fraice, dips, you name it!

  • ENJOY!

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Squid ink pasta

Wander X Ceramics

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