Baked feta with honey and za'atar

Baked feta with honey and za'atar

This is a fantastic little dish all summer long and can be varied depending on what you fancy. You’ll be fighting for those gnarly bits!

200g block of feta 

100 grams pitted olives

2 garlic cloves 

2 tbsp honey 

2 tbsp olive oil 

2 tsp zaatar

Set the oven to 180, place the olives and whole block of feta in an oven proof dish. Mix olive oil and honey and drizzle over the cheese, drizzle a little extra olive oil over the olives and add the sliced garlic. Sprinkle za’atar over the cheese and olives and bake for 20 minutes, crank the heat up to 230 and bake for another 5-10 minutes or until the top is golden.

Whole roasted beets with grilled asparagus, goats cheese and savoury granola

Whole roasted beets with grilled asparagus, goats cheese and savoury granola

Pici with asparagus and garlic butter sauce

Pici with asparagus and garlic butter sauce